L.N.S - Public Scientific and Technological Establishment
In June 1990, the National Health Laboratory (LNS) was created by Order No. 90-34/P-RM under the status of a service attached to the National Directorate of Public Health (DNSP). After a decade of operation, it was established as a Public Scientific and Technological Establishment (EPST) following Order No. 00-40/P-RM of September 20, 2000, which created the LNS-EPST. Decree No. 586/P-RM of November 23, 2000 establishes the organization and operating procedures of the structure.
Trust is good; control is better. That is why quality must be proven and not assumed. The National Health Laboratory provides comprehensive services for clients in the food and pharmaceutical sector with standardized analysis procedures and individual analytical issues. The offer includes chemical, physicochemical and microbiological analyses (quality control of medicines, food, beverages, water and other health products) according to international quality standards through:
With our portfolio of services, we contribute to the successful authorization and marketing of your pharmaceutical and food products on the national and international market through :
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